What Is The Full Form of ARMY?

full form of army

The Full Form of ARMY is Alert Regular Mobility Young. The word ARMY originated from Latin arma which means arms or weapons. it is the land-based service branch military branch or armed service of a nation.

The army is the part of a country’s military which fights on the ground. People who are in the army called as soldiers. Armies having tanks, airplanes, and helicopters to help soldiers fight on the ground.


Subdivision :

  1. CORPS: It’s consists of two or more divisions, which is commanded by a lieutenant general.
  2. DIVISION: Each division holds three brigades including artillery, infantry, engineers, and communications units in addition to supply and service, which is commanded by a  major general.
  3. BRIGADE: A brigade is commanded by a brigadier or brigadier general & sometimes is commanded by a colonel. It typically comprises three or more battalions of different units depending on function. An independent brigade consists of an infantry unit, an artillery unit, an armor unit, and logistics(supply & service) to support its actions. This type of brigade is not part of any division, it’s under the direct command of a corps.
  4. BATTALION: Each battalion is consists of 500-750 soldiers, which is commanded by a colonel or by a lieutenant colonel. This number depends upon the functionality of the regiment. A battalion consists of 3–5  companies, which includes 3 rifle companies, a fire support company & a headquarters company. Its functional equivalent such as artillery or squadrons ( cavalry and armor), under the command of a major. The company can be divided into platoons, which can again be divided into squads.

The Full Form of ARMY is : Alert Regular Mobility Young

TOP 10 Active Military Personnel in the world :

United States of America31,359,450
North Korea41,280,000
Russian Federation5900,000
South Korea7625,000

Hope that this article will helpful for you. Thanks for visiting The Full Form Dictionary.

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